

Y & M Anjuman Khairul Islam is dedicated to the cause of orphans and education. We have three orphanages in Panhalje, Chandhva, and Mahabaleshwar with 559 orphans and destitute children including 200 Girls and 359 Boys.

We have already converted our three orphanages at Mahabaleshwar, Chandhava, and Panhalje into model institutions. Many Individuals and organizations visit these orphanages to see the turnaround. In addition to the orphanages a new orphanage at Barshi-Solapur will reopen in the next Academic Year. A brand new orphanage Building in Panhalje - Kokan will be open next year.

In these orphanages, the children in the age group of 15 - 17 years are getting food, clothing, and shelter over their heads and an equal opportunity for quality education. They are competing in sports and all other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities representing their schools.

We have started two new professional projects namely Honey Bee Projects and Vegetable Garden in Mahabaleshwar. The first product in the form of honey will be ready for sale in the coming months.

Besides formal education, we are also providing them with Moral education with the predetermined syllabus and professional teachers. They not only learn to read and memorize the Quran but are also taught manners and etiquette.

1 -The first orphanage was started in Mumbai in 1927 with 8 orphans that grew to 30 in 1930. It went on to increase to 60 orphans in 1960.
2 - Orphanages at Lonavala. The local bodies at Lonavala were reluctant to run the said orphanage and handed it over to the Y&M AKI with 40 orphans.
3 - The orphanage at Mahabaleshwar was established in the year 1969.
4 - The orphanage at Chandhava was established in the year 1992. It housed 20 boys and 100 girls.
5 - Orphanage at Barshi, Sholapur for 20 Boys. 
6 - The orphanage at Panhalje (Ratnagiri) for boys was established in 1968. 
7 - The orphanage at Dabhol was established in the year 2017. It housed 8 boys.

We have added a new orphanage in Barshi- Solapur which will start its operation in the next Academic Year.
We have also organized an Aadhar Card camp, Eye Checkup camp. Professional doctors are hired for their regular health checkups and treatment.

We have introduced Computer Classes and held a two days workshop in Mahabaleshwar this year for the students. Professional Teachers, Trainers, and counselors had interactive sessions with them on the topics of Time Management, Scientific Study Techniques, Self-Study Tips, Strategies for raising percentages, Goal setting, Career Counseling, and Guidance and Improvement in Handwriting.

After SSC, we provide higher education to these orphans free of cost at Junior College, Mahabaleshwar. We also offer Nursing Courses to the girls of Mahabaleshwar Orphanage free of cost in our Nursing Institute with Lodging and Boarding facilities.

Strength in Our Orphanages:


Sr No.Name of OrphanagesNo. of Students (Boys)No. of Students (Girls)Total No. of Students
1AKI Boarding (Mahableshwar)227249476
2AKI Boarding (Chandhava)93-93
3AKI Boarding (Panhalje)108-108
4AKI Boarding (Barshi - Solapur)25-25