Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

Y&M Anjuman Khairul Islam Trust is an organization that focuses on escalating the freedom of women through proper education and leadership.
The trust was founded in 1927 with an aim to uplift the underprivileged & promote girls & women by providing Equal Space, Equal Opportunities, and Equal

It firmly believes that the education of a girl child has the ability to bring socio-economic changes in society. In today’s world, the education of girls and children has become imperative as it leads to economic development, empowerment, prosperity, improved health, etc.
Anjuman Khairul Islam practices what they preach. On the whole, there are in total 9 pre-primary,10 Primary, 18 Secondary, and 3 Higher Secondary schools where more than 7760 girls are pursuing their education.
What sets apart Y&M AKI from other organizations is the cohort echo system where the overall development of a girl & woman can take place. To make each girl child self-reliant, AKI also offers a course that stimulates full employment.
A Degree college with 1756 female candidates, D.T. ED College with 80 candidates (exclusively for girls) a Management Institute which offers Professional
Degrees having 1800+ female students and Vocational courses with 84 female candidates are successfully imparting quality education to make them self-sufficient.
These Professional degrees enable them to break cyclical poverty and ignorance. Education empowers future generations to live and thrive in mainstream society and also with strong educational backgrounds, females have the capacity to achieve their goals and create financial freedom for both themselves and their families.
AKI is working tirelessly to bring a change in the lives of the underprivileged. It has established more than 4 orphanages across Mumbai and has influenced 200+ lives of girl children.

Bringing change entails policy and program actions that will accelerate women's access to secure livelihoods and economic resources, alleviate their
extreme responsibilities with regard to housework, remove legal impediments to their participation in public life and raise social awareness.
AKI since its inception inculcates such skills through effective programs of education, leadership workshops, conferences, skill development courses, field
work and mass communication. 

AKI has made enormous strides in supporting women in achieving their highest potential through mentoring and commissioning leadership roles and continues to offer secure havens and escapes to women and children imprisoned in the cycle of poverty and abuse. All our Primary schools, five high schools, D. Ed College, and nursing college are headed by Women leaders.
Two of our orphanages are phenomenally performing well under the leadership of dynamic ladies.
The most incisive organizations know that women have unique strengths and perspectives which leads to becoming a driving force in leading change. Hence, AKI austerely trails that.